Assignment of Benefits Bill Advances

The Assembly Financial Institutions and Insurance Committee released A132 (Assignment of Benefits) today.  In a unanimous vote, the committee approved the legislation and adopted amendments to the bill where insurers may issue checks jointly payable to the insured and the healthcare provider.  The checks will be physically issued to the healthcare provider.

The other amendment lengthened the effective date of the legislation from three months to one year.

The bill is scheduled for a vote by the full Assembly on Thursday.  The Senate will need to adopt the Assembly amendments before the bill moves to the Governor’s Office.

3 responses to “Assignment of Benefits Bill Advances”


    Has the bill passed. Will patient and provider need to sign the checks. When will it become effective is passed.

  2. Jeffrey Shanton says :

    The bill passed the full Assembly last week. It will now go to the governor to sign. That will determine when it becomes effective.
    Thank goodness there is some rational thinking going on in the state. While this does not redress all of the ‘gains’ by the insurance carriers at health care providers expense, it certainly does send a clear message that they cannot simply do as they please.

  3. Larry Downs says :

    Dolores – we will update this site when the governors signs ( we believe likely) the bill. Carriers are permitted to send checks made jointly to the physician and patient, however the physical check must be issued directly to the provider. This law would take effect 12 months after signing.

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